In an unexpected turn of events, a young girl became an unlikely hero when she prevented what could have been a disastrous situation involving a runaway truck. The incident occurred when a driverless truck began to slide down a sloped platform. Without hesitation, the girl, dressed casually in a blue hoodie and denim, quickly intervened. She dashed towards the truck, jumped inside, and skillfully applied the handbrake, bringing the vehicle to a halt just in time. The entire episode was captured on a nearby CCTV camera, and the footage soon went viral on social media.
The video also sparked reactions online, particularly due to the actions of two men who were seen attempting to stop the large truck by pulling it back with their hands. While their efforts were futile, it was the girl’s decisive action that saved the day. The exact date and location of the incident remain unknown.
As the video gained traction, viewers flooded the comment section with praise for the young girl’s bravery and quick thinking. Many commended her ability to act swiftly in a crisis, while others found humor in the futile attempts of the two men. The video, shared on X (formerly Twitter) by the handle ‘Ghar ke kalesh,’ was captioned, “Brave Girl Jumps onto Moving Truck to Pull Handbrake,” and quickly amassed over 10,000 views.
Brave Girl Jumps onto Moving Truck to Pull Handbrake🫡
— Ghar Ke Kalesh (@gharkekalesh) August 5, 2024
Comments poured in, with users expressing their admiration for the girl’s courageous act. One user quipped, “The guys did a great help by pulling the truck with one hand.” Another added, “That was some quick thinking and brave work right there. The young one is going places for sure.” Others echoed similar sentiments, praising the girl’s timely intervention and making light of the men’s efforts. The video continues to garner attention, with all credit going to the girl who averted a potential disaster.
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