Bengaluru-based Bluarmor has launched its latest flagship helmet Bluetooth intercom system, the C50 Pro, priced at Rs 24,999. This is Bluarmor’s third helmet intercom product, after the HS1 and C30. The former offers just Bluetooth connectivity, while the C30 has the intercom option.
What is the C50 Pro?
The C50 Pro is a helmet intercom system with Bluetooth connectivity. This means it can be paired to a mobile phone to attend calls and play music. Additionally, it can also pair with another helmet system and be used as an intercom device for communication with other riders.
Key Features of the C50 Pro
- Rear Mounting: The C50 Pro features a unique rear-mounting design, which improves aerodynamics and reduces wind noise compared to traditional side-mounted intercoms.
- Dual Phone Connectivity: You can connect two phones simultaneously to the C50 Pro, allowing you to manage calls and music from multiple devices.
- Multipoint Connectivity: The intercom is compatible with various devices, including GoPro cameras, instrument clusters, and GPS systems, providing a seamless and integrated experience.
- Long Battery Life: Bluarmor claims that the C50 Pro offers an impressive 16-hour battery life, ensuring uninterrupted communication during long rides.
- Customizable Lights: The intercom features customizable lights that can be used as hazard lights or for other purposes.
- OTA Updates: The C50 Pro supports over-the-air (OTA) updates, allowing you to keep your device up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.
- Second-Generation Mesh Technology: The new C50 Pro incorporates second-generation mesh technology for enhanced communication range and clarity, even in noisy environments.
The Bluarmor C50 Pro is a feature-packed helmet intercom system that offers a premium audio experience and advanced connectivity options. With its rear-mounting design, long battery life, and customizable features, the C50 Pro is well-suited for riders seeking a reliable and versatile communication device.
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