Lotus Cars is set to make its mark on the Indian market with the grand opening of its new showroom in New Delhi on January 16, 2025. This momentous occasion will also witness the Indian debut of two highly anticipated models: the Emira and the Emeya. These additions, alongside the already available Eletre electric SUV, will solidify Lotus’s presence in India with a model lineup mirroring its global offerings.
The Emira, a testament to Lotus’s renowned engineering prowess, represents the swan song of the brand’s combustion engine vehicles. Embodying the “Carved by Air” philosophy, the Emira seamlessly blends performance with striking aesthetics, drawing inspiration from legendary models like the Elise, Exige, and Evora. Available in 13 captivating paint schemes, the Emira boasts a distinctive design language accentuated by its mid-engine architecture.
Powering the Emira is a choice of two potent engines. The standard option is a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine sourced from AMG, delivering an exhilarating 365 horsepower and 430 Nm of torque. This potent engine propels the Emira from 0 to 100 km/h in a mere 4.4 seconds, with a top speed electronically limited to 275 km/h. For those seeking even greater performance, Lotus offers a turbocharged V6 engine developed in collaboration with Toyota. This engine generates an impressive 405 horsepower and 420 Nm of torque, accelerating the Emira from 0 to 100 km/h in a blistering 4.3 seconds and reaching a top speed of 290 km/h.
The Emeya, Lotus’s foray into the electric hypercar segment, embodies the brand’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and exhilarating performance. Equipped with a pair of permanent synchronous motors, one on each axle, the Emeya delivers electrifying performance. Powered by a 102 kWh battery pack, the Emeya is available in three distinct variants globally: Emeya, Emeya S, and Emeya R.
The Emeya and Emeya S share a power output of 603 horsepower, offering a WLTP range of up to 610 km. These variants achieve a top speed of 250 km/h and accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in a mere 4.15 seconds. The Emeya R, however, prioritizes performance, delivering a staggering 905 horsepower while maintaining a WLTP range of up to 485 km. This potent powertrain propels the Emeya R from 0 to 100 km/h in an astonishing 2.78 seconds, with a top speed of 256 km/h.
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